Browse Exhibits (6 total)

Branch Davidians

Religious cult founded by Victor Houteff, and made infamous by David Koresh and associated 1993 siege near Waco, TX

Domebook Pacific High

Inca Empire


The Inca Empire has been described as the most powerful empire in the Americas. Located in South America, with the central location of Cuzco, this empire started out with a small group of people before conquering areas around them. To become this vast community, the Inca people had to consolidate their people and traditions to form the empire. Their culture consists of different aspects of political and social structures, religion, art, communication, and infrastructure. The described Incan artifacts all play a role in representing political and social structures of the Incan Empire. Domestic living as an Incan incorporated and promoted a powerful religion, complex architecture, and unique cultural practices that created a powerful and vast empire.

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Italian Futurism

Futurist Manifesto.pdf

Italian Futurism is an early 20th-century movement, defined by the need for a new, more modernized Italy fueled by violence, speed, industrialization, and change. This essay unifies prime elements of the movement, including literature, architecture, and theory to exemplify the progressive change Filippo Tommaso (F.T.) Marinetti called for in Italy.

Lucien Kroll Participatory Architecture

outside of dominican building.PNG

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The World Of Pokémon


Founded in 1996 by multinational consumer electronics and video game company, Nintendo, and in partnership with GameFreak and Creature (other video game developers), Pokémon is one of the most recognizable and successful franchises in the world. There are many facets to be explored in the world of Pokémon, originally released in Japan as video games Pokémon Red and Green in February of 1996, the brand quickly spilled into numerous consumer outlets like trading cards, television, mobile phone apps, and even cosplay.

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