Chronology of the Siege

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Chronology of the Siege


A day-by-day account of the 51-day standoff between the Branch Davidians barricaded inside the Mount Carmel compound and the government agencies surrounding the perimeter.


The siege of the Mount Carmel Compound by the ATF was supposed to expose the religious sect as malicious, as the government agency wanted to search the grounds for illegal weaponry and in response to multiple claims of abuse and neglect within the compound. In months and years following the raid and subsequent fire, many independent investigations were conducted questioning the validity of the original charges and the nature with which the Branch Davidians’ compound was handled.

Below are highlights from the day-by-day accounts of the standoff with an extensive description of what was believed to have transpired in 1993 before new evidence was presented in 1999.

Sunday, February 28, 1993, approx. 9:30 AM:
ATF attempts to execute a planned raid of the Mount Carmel compound to seize illegal weaponry believed to be on site. Koresh and his followers were aware of the investigation being conducted on them, and an unknown news source tipped them off as to when and how the raid would occur. Gunfire erupts. Four ATF agents killed, 16 wounded. Unidentified number of Branch Davidians killed or wounded. The FBI steps in and becomes lead agency for resolving conflict. By afternoon, the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) arrived and began telephone conversations with Koresh who disclosed his injuries in his hip and left wrist. Koresh is allowed to broadcast his scripture teachings on Dallas radio KRLD and does a phone interview with CNN.

Monday, March 1, 1993:
Negotiations continue, and 10 children are sent out of the compound throughout the day. FBI agents in armored vehicles set up around the compound perimeter. FBI Director William Sessions talks to President Bill Clinton suggesting a “waiting strategy,” which Clinton approves.

Tuesday, March 2, 1993:
Koresh creates a one-hour tap recording of his scriptures, adding that he will surrender once the tape is nationally broadcast. At 1:30 PM, it is. At 5:58 PM, Koresh informs the negotiating agents that God has told him to wait.

Thursday, March 4, 1993:
Pete Smerick and Mark Young, FBI psychological profilers, say negotiations coupled with increased tactical presence could result in counter-productivity and loss of life.

Sunday, March 7, 1993:
The FBI refuses to send in milk for the children unless more are released. Koresh says all the children left in the compound are his own. Smerick and Young predict an assault on the compound and mass suicide are both possibilities.

Sunday, March 14, 1993:
At nightfall, the FBI begins to illuminate the compound with bright lights to add pressure to the Davidians and interrupt sleep patterns for those inside. At this point, the power to the compound has been shut off for four days.

Friday, March 19, 1993:
FBI delivers legal documents, letters from Koresh’s attorneys and other items to the compound. Koresh says he is ready to come out and face the music.

Sunday, March 21, 1993:
FBI begins to play loud music, including various noises and cacophonies with a loudspeaker. Koresh halts releasing Davidians.

Tuesday, March 23, 1993:
Livingstone Fagan leaves the compound, the last one out during the standoff.

Wednesday March 24, 1993:
FBI plays Tibetan chants, Christmas music in the wee hours of the night. FBI escalates its verbal assault on Koresh, calling him a liar and a coward.

Thursday, March 25, 1993:
FBI issues an ultimatum. 10 to 20 people must leave the compound by 4 PM, or action will be taken. At 4 PM, armored vehicles move into the compound from the perimeter and remove vehicles.

Saturday, March 27, 1993:
Third day straight without communication from David Koresh.

Sunday, April 4, 1993:
Lawyers meet again with Koresh and reiterate that everyone will be coming out after Passover.

Wednesday, April 7, 1993:
Koresh refuses to confirm an exit date. HRT commander Richard Rogers proposes a tear gas plan.

Friday, April 9, 1993:
“Yahweh” Koresh sends a letter to the FBI calling them to judgement. Two experts analyze this letter and four others sent over the next few days. They conclude Koresh is possibly psychotic and had no intention of exiting the compound willingly. FBI finalizes tear gas plans.

Saturday, April 10, 1993:
HRT began installing concertina wires around the compound.

Wednesday, April 14, 1993:
Koresh sends a message saying he will not surrender until he has written a manuscript explaining the Seven Seals. This is preceded by him saying he will not surrender until God has told him to.

Sunday, April 18, 1993:
Reno, Attorney General, briefs CLinton on the tear gas plan. Armored vehicles clear cars from the compound. FBI warns Davidians to stay out of the tower, but the Davidians hold up children in the windows and a sign that says “Flames Await”.

Monday, April 19, 1993: Day of the Massacre

5:59 AM:
Telephone call to the Davidians to inform them of the imminent tear gas assault. A message is read over loudspeaker advising the Davidians that they are under arrest and should leave the compound.

6:02 AM:
Two FBI combat engineering vehicles, or CEVs, begin inserting gas into the compound.

6:04 AM:
Davidians start shooting. FBI deploys Bradley vehicles to insert ferret rounds through the windows.

6:31 AM:
HRT reports that the entire building has been gassed.

7:30 PM:
A CEV breaches the front side of the building on the first floor as it injects gas.

7:58 AM:
Gas inserted in the second floor of the back-right corner of the building. The FBI calls for more gas from outside Waco.

9:20 AM:
48 more ferret rounds arrive from Houston.

About 9:30 AM:
With the supply of ferret rounds dwindling, one CEV is having mechanical troubles, and high winds are blowing the gas away. Another CEV begins enlarging the opening in the middle-front of the building and a third CEV with a boom but lacking a gas delivery system breaches the rear side of the building.

About 11:00 AM (Washington time):
Attorney General Reno talks to Clinton, saying everything seems to be going well, and she leaves for a judicial conference in Baltimore. The CEV without a gas delivery system breaches the back side of the compound, concentrating on the back right corner near the warehouse-gymnasium.
11:40 AM:
The last ferret rounds are delivered.

11:45 AM:
A wall on the right-rear side of the building collapses.

12:07 PM:
An HRT observer reports seeing "a male starting a fire" in the front of the building.

12:12 PM:
Koresh is instructed to lead the Davidians out to safety. Nine Davidians flee the compound and are arrested.

12:25 PM:
The FBI hears "systematic gunfire" coming from the compound, leaving several agents the impression that the Davidians are either killing themselves or each other.

12:41 PM:
Fire-fighting efforts begin. HRT agents enter tunnels to search for survivors, especially children.

Sometime in mid-morning an apparent deviation from the approved plan begins. The plan contemplated that the building would not be dismantled if after 48 hours not all the people had come out (Chan). However, the CEV's begin knocking holes into the compound the morning of the assault. The CEV not equipped with tear gas knocks down a corner of the building, and a portion of the roof collapsed, in order to clear a path to the main tower so that the other CEV could insert gas in the area. Of the nine survivors of the Mount Carmel complex, none believe that the Davidians began the initial gunfire, and they maintain this view today.


Public Broadcasting Service


“Frontline: Waco, The Inside Story.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, 1995,




1995, editorial updates in 1999 and 2000.


Chan, Melissa. “The Real Story behind the FBI's Deadly Waco Siege.” Time, Time, 24 Jan. 2018,



Event Item Type Metadata


51 days

Event Type

Siege on the Branch Davidians' Mount Carmel compound by the ATF, FBI, and HRT


David Koresh
Branch Davidians
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
FBI Hostage Rescue Team (HRT)



Public Broadcasting Service, “Chronology of the Siege,” ENGL 3460 -- Literature and Utopia, accessed September 19, 2024,