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The Interim Report to the Deputy Attorney General written up by special council member John C. Danforth is an extensive one hundred- and fifty-three-page summary on the exhaustive efforts which were taken by Danforth and his team to investigate every…

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While Vignes-Blanches was designed with the intention of providing a mutualistic relationship between the occupant and the architect, the realization of this goal proved more difficult in its execution. Lucien Kroll and his Atelier were awarded a…

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This project was requested by a newly settled Dominican community to be a quadratic shaped building built on a Belgian farm. The purpose of this building was to be a space that brought people together to live, connect, learn, and worship. Inside this…

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The Italian Futurist painter, Giacomo Balla, painted on canvas Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash (1912), a piece that became one of the most recognizable art works from the Futurist movement. The painting portrays a woman walking a dachshund on a leash.…

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F. T. Marinetti -the founder of Italian Futurism- declared the necessity of “liberat[ing] words” in his 1912 Technical Manifesto of Futurist Literature (Rainey). He asserts the importance of breaking from past literary tradition with the new idea of…

The Firenze Santa Maria Novella Railway Station was constructed in 1934 by the Italian fascist government. It was designed by a group of architects known as the “Gruppo Tuscano” and was built under the constriction that it be the “most inconspicuous,…

With Milan being the Italian hub for industrialization in the late 1800s/early 1900s, the death of anarchist Angelo Galli sparked political conflict between the anarchists and the police. Angelo Galli was stabbed to death by factory security guards…

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The Incan llama, as pictured above, is a 6cm by 1cm gold figurine that was presented as an offering, likely accompanied by gifts such as golden human figures and human sacrifice. The item has been hammered into shape, and represents the mark of the…

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Inca art was beautiful and useful in the peoples' everyday lives. Their art also represents the Inca history and culture. The Chimú Vessel Flute, for example, was created originally by the Chimú peoples. However, the Inca conquered them in 1470 and…

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Mummification was the only way in which the Inca buried the dead. The dead were stored with various precious materials including jewelry, pottery, and textiles. The prominent dead would sometimes be removed from their tombs, these were called…
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