Browse Items (48 total)

cultivating the debris at Louis Le Roy.jpg
The image provided in Kroll's Buildings and Projects reflects and ecological aspect of Kroll's approach to design, community and architecture. In 1970, he worked with the artist and architect Louis Le Roy, most known for his construction of the…

Arceus is a mythical creature from the video game Pokémon. "It is said that Arceus created all Pokémon with its 1,000 arms." (Pokémon Soul Silver)

In 1932, Filippo Marinetti published The Manifesto of Futurist Cooking to expand the Italian Futurist’s movement into cooking and food. In this work, Marinetti notes, “Against practicality we Futurists therefore disdain the example and admonition of…

A tool used by trainers in the fictional world of Pokémon to catch and house creatures known as Pokémon.

A world map of Pokémon locations and a Pokémon regional map.

victor and florence houteff.png
This photograph features Victor Houteff and his wife, Florence. The date of this photograph is unknown.

The Gateway of the Sun is a sculpture made from andesite store made into an arch with an opening shaped like a door at the base. Above the opening is a carved image of Viracocha, the Inca Creator god. There are other repeated carvings on the stone as…

HISTORY_ What happened to the Branch Davidians After Waco_ .pdf
This article details the aftermath of the infamous siege at Waco, TX in 1993. The Branch Davidians were a group that congregated for decades before the tragedies of 1993 occurred. Though there have been various changes of power and the Davidians'…
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