Stegeman Coliseum Olympic Events

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Documented images of the US Women's indoor volleyball team.  

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Image of the Stegeman exterior decorated with Olympic banners, and the athlete dedicated monument placed out front.

Several Olympic games were played throughout Athens Georgia during the 1996 Olympics, some of which took place inside of Stegeman Coliseum. The two images presented illustrate both the visual transformation of the exterior of Stegman, as well as action shots of the events played inside. The outside of the building was decorated with the US colors and Olympic banners, and a giant monument was placed in front of Stegeman to document the Centennial Olympic Games site, and pay tribute to the athletes competing inside. Within Stegeman, matches for both men and women’s indoor volleyball and rhythmic gymnastics took place. The rhythmic gymnastics teams competed “from August 2nd to August 4th and were composed of 90 participants from 22 counttries” (Hilary). The 1996 games was a memorable year for rhythmic gymnastics as it was the first year in Olympic Games history that the women’s all around competition was introduced, and marked the second time ever that a women's only sport was added to the games. As for indoor volleyball, the men’s teams competed from “July 19th to August 4th with the US team placing in 9th after two defeats and three loses” (Men’s Olympic History). The women’s team competition took place from “July 20th to August 3rd and with the US team placing in 7th after five defeats and two loses” (Men’s Olympic History). The second image displayed depicts several US women’s players such as Danielle Scott, Nattalie Williams, and Tara “Cross-Battle” spiking and setting balls against their opponents. These two photos help to display the impact the Olympics had on Athens as well as show close up depictions of the events themselves.

                                                   Works Cited: 

Evans , Hilary, et al. “Rhythmic Gymnastics at the 1996 Atlanta Summer Games:

Olympics at Sports.”, OlyMADMen,

“Men's Olympic History.” Team USA, USA Volleyball ,  men.