Horace T. Ward


Atlanta Journal Constitution Article on Horace T. Ward's Integration case

The University of Georgia’s integration crisis began in 1950 with Horace T. Ward. Ward was an established law student with an undergraduate degree from Morehouse along with a graduate degree from Atlanta University. When Ward first applied to law school at UGA, his application was swiftly rejected. However, UGA offered Ward state funds to attend an out of state law school in order to maintain a segregated school. Ward did not accept the funds instead he continued to fight the segregation through his appeal to the University’s Board of Regents. Ward demanded his application be assessed solely on his academic merit, which the University used as a method to further delay Ward’s application. After months of deliberation, his application was yet again rejected. This led Ward to appeal the decision through the University’s President, Omer Aderhold. After an interview and many months of deliberation, Ward’s application was still rejected. Other instances of delay included Ward being sent off for military service one month before one of his hearings. Lastly, as seen in the article, the University implemented new rules to maintain segregation. For example, students were required to pass several University admitted tests, provide recommendation letters from law school alumni, and even approval from the Superior Court Judge. These new rules made it nearly impossible for an African American like Ward to enroll into UGA. Since the process was immensely slow, Ward additionally applied to law school at Northwestern University. Upon his acceptance at Northwestern, segregation at the University of Georgia remained and Ward’s application was ultimately thrown out.


 UA97-090, University Archives, Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, The University of Georgia Libraries.


London, Grace. “Crashing the Hedges: The Road to the Integration of the University of Georgia.” The Corinthian, Georgia College and State University , 2015, kb.gcsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1018&context=thecorinthian.

Pharr, Kathy. “SENIOR JUDGE HORACE WARD TO RECALL UGA DESEGREGATION BATTLE IN FALL SIBLEY LECTURE.” Digital Commons @ Georgia Law, UGA School of Law, 19AD, 2000, digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/press_releases/293/.