Browse Items (12 total)

Brown Media Archive Collection Broadcast Waco.mp4
This is an online copy of the WSB Videotape of a news broadcast that aired in 1993. This news coverage highlights that Koresh failed to keep his promise to leave the compound after airing a message, stating that God told him to wait. The broadcast…

benjamin roden.png
This is a copy of a photograph of Benjamin Roden, the founder of the Branch Davidians, when he was estimated to be about 35 years old.

victor and florence houteff.png
This photograph features Victor Houteff and his wife, Florence. The date of this photograph is unknown.

HISTORY_ What happened to the Branch Davidians After Waco_ .pdf
This article details the aftermath of the infamous siege at Waco, TX in 1993. The Branch Davidians were a group that congregated for decades before the tragedies of 1993 occurred. Though there have been various changes of power and the Davidians'…

The siege of the Mount Carmel Compound by the ATF was supposed to expose the religious sect as malicious, as the government agency wanted to search the grounds for illegal weaponry and in response to multiple claims of abuse and neglect within the…

simpson and kennedy.mp4
Sound recording of the radio program "Face Off." Senator Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy of Massachusetts and Senator Alan K. "Al" Simpson of Wyoming debate the need for strict new gun control laws following a confrontation between federal authorities and an…

The Interim Report to the Deputy Attorney General written up by special council member John C. Danforth is an extensive one hundred- and fifty-three-page summary on the exhaustive efforts which were taken by Danforth and his team to investigate every…

Transcript 1.png
During the fifty-one-day Branch Davidian Siege, several different group members within the compound were interviewed by phone by FBI Agents. The primary goal of these conversations were to confirm the safety of the occupants during the…

This photograph of David Koresh, his wife Rachel, and their son Cyrus was taken outside their home in Texas by Elizabeth Baranyai, a member of the Branch Davidians. Baranyai is credited with most if not all of the photographs of the Branch Davidians…

Examining the allegations of child abuse is important not only in understanding attorney general Janet Reno’s approval of tear gas and subsequent demise of the Branch Davidian compound, but also for the culture of the Branch Davidians and David…
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