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Blueprint 1.png
The Branch Davidian Compound resembled a blend between a suburban home and a castle. The structure is located in Waco, Texas. The exact coordinates of the compound are 31°35'45.5"N 96°59'16.2"W. The compound was surrounded by a relatively flat and…

With Milan being the Italian hub for industrialization in the late 1800s/early 1900s, the death of anarchist Angelo Galli sparked political conflict between the anarchists and the police. Angelo Galli was stabbed to death by factory security guards…

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, or ATF, use of tear gas was one of the more controversial decisions of the siege. The stalemate between the ATF and the Davidians led the attorney general, Janet Reno, to authorize the use of…

The Gateway of the Sun is a sculpture made from andesite store made into an arch with an opening shaped like a door at the base. Above the opening is a carved image of Viracocha, the Inca Creator god. There are other repeated carvings on the stone as…

Examining the allegations of child abuse is important not only in understanding attorney general Janet Reno’s approval of tear gas and subsequent demise of the Branch Davidian compound, but also for the culture of the Branch Davidians and David…

This photograph of David Koresh, his wife Rachel, and their son Cyrus was taken outside their home in Texas by Elizabeth Baranyai, a member of the Branch Davidians. Baranyai is credited with most if not all of the photographs of the Branch Davidians…

Battle: Weight + Odour (excerpt) - Original.png
F. T. Marinetti -the founder of Italian Futurism- declared the necessity of “liberat[ing] words” in his 1912 Technical Manifesto of Futurist Literature (Rainey). He asserts the importance of breaking from past literary tradition with the new idea of…

Transcript 1.png
During the fifty-one-day Branch Davidian Siege, several different group members within the compound were interviewed by phone by FBI Agents. The primary goal of these conversations were to confirm the safety of the occupants during the…

Four Cornered Hat Inca.jpg
Inca art was beautiful and useful in the peoples' everyday lives. Their art also represents the Inca history and culture. The Chimú Vessel Flute, for example, was created originally by the Chimú peoples. However, the Inca conquered them in 1470 and…

Futurist Manifesto.pdf
F.T. Marinetti’s Founding and Manifesto of Futurism served as the spark for the Futurist movement, a movement which was an “incendiary device, upholding the new values of speed, destruction, and violence necessary for a new age of Italian national…
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