Lucien Kroll School in Brussels

This school was created to be very diversified in structure both inside and out. The outer area was created to make the entire outer area of the school feel like a place of recreation. The outer area of the school was very open with a large expanse of space for children to run around on. A distinct characteristic of the outer area was the swirly shapes lining the ground. The shapes unlike the squared structure of the rest of the artifact indicate removal from structure and order. This played a role in helping students enjoy the freedom of being outside and taking a break between classes. In addition to a large area to run around in, the outside of the building also included hills for children to run up and down as well as circular structures for children to stand up and play on. This building was created largely with the goal of enabling students to coexist as equals. For this reason, the inside of the classrooms included stairs that would prevent students from orienting themselves based on how they ranked each other. Another trait of the inside of the school was its glass roof. Much of the classroom walls were rectangular windows that created a very open and airy feeling for the children. The windows allowed a lot of light to shine through and provided a clear view of the relaxing couches and tables right outside of the classrooms that were places for the children to sit around during breaks. This artifact functioned as a school that fostered community, equality, and fun.

Lucien Kroll School in Brussels