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The Firenze Santa Maria Novella Railway Station was constructed in 1934 by the Italian fascist government. It was designed by a group of architects known as the “Gruppo Tuscano” and was built under the constriction that it be the “most inconspicuous,…

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The Italian Futurist painter, Giacomo Balla, painted on canvas Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash (1912), a piece that became one of the most recognizable art works from the Futurist movement. The painting portrays a woman walking a dachshund on a leash.…

In 1932, Filippo Marinetti published The Manifesto of Futurist Cooking to expand the Italian Futurist’s movement into cooking and food. In this work, Marinetti notes, “Against practicality we Futurists therefore disdain the example and admonition of…

The Interim Report to the Deputy Attorney General written up by special council member John C. Danforth is an extensive one hundred- and fifty-three-page summary on the exhaustive efforts which were taken by Danforth and his team to investigate every…

The Alma Metro Station located in Belgium was a Metro Station that was introduced in order to divert the Metro through the campus of the University of Louvain with the constraint requiring that not only the Metro Station be included in the concept…

The building project that garnered international attention and became an icon of Kroll’s design philosophy of participatory architecture, the Medical Facility’s student complex at the Catholic University of Louvain stands out as a unique figure…

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While Vignes-Blanches was designed with the intention of providing a mutualistic relationship between the occupant and the architect, the realization of this goal proved more difficult in its execution. Lucien Kroll and his Atelier were awarded a…

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The image provided in Kroll's Buildings and Projects reflects and ecological aspect of Kroll's approach to design, community and architecture. In 1970, he worked with the artist and architect Louis Le Roy, most known for his construction of the…

Luigi Russolo created the intonarumori between 1913 and 1921 amidst the rise of Futurism in Italy (“The Original Noise Artist”). These are a series of “boxes of various colors and sizes, each with an impressive horn protruding from its front”…

The world of Pokémon was created by Satoshi Tajiri for Nintendo, and started as video games on the Nintendo Game Boy system. Since then, the characters have been adapted to merchandise such as collectible trading cards, action figures, anime…
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